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Your Recommendations are on the way!

But don’t leave just yet! I want to tell you about our free 14 day trial to one of the best financial coaching programs on the market. 

The whole reason you took this quiz is because you care about your financial future. 

I’m sure getting knowledge and insight about where you are right now is nice, but it’s not enough. My goal is to help you take the actions that will change your financial future forever. 

If you want to learn how I help my clients increase their income and plan for the future so they can have more money than they’ve ever had before, please keep reading. And listen… I know you’re used to doing things on your own, but it’s time to get the help you need so you can see the results you want. And you don’t have to take my word for it. You’ll find several testimonials below.  

Question for you...

What if you could take one action that would dramatically increase your bank account in less than 365 days? Because that's what my clients are doing right now

the system is broken

First of all, the system was never designed to work for people like us, but the truth is, it doesn’t even work for the people it was built for. 

With 78% of Americans living paycheck to paycheck BEFORE the pandemic, it’s obvious that the system is very broken and designed for you to fail. 

Financial coaches will rarely tell you this but budgeting alone will not work. You have to undergo deprogramming, mindset shifting, and re-education in order to build a financial foundation that is unshakeable and unwavering. 

It used to just be a phrase, but now we know: No one is coming to save us but us. 

I help people build wealth in a broken system.

What if you could use a step-by-step system to single handedly transform your finances in just 12 months so that you never have to worry about money again?

….A system that allows you to maximize every single dollar that you work hard for without forcing you to sacrifice all the pleasures of life.

So that in less than 365 days your life could be completely different.

You would be able to log into your emergency fund, savings accounts and investments and see more money than you’ve ever had before.

Soon, you would get addicted to watching your money grow. Not just because it’s money, but because you’ll feel the freedom it provides even as it just sits in the bank, growing day by day.

That’s what happened to me!

I created my first financial system when I was 10 years old and never looked back. By the time I was 13 I was the richest person in my household. I went to college with thousands of dollars, became an investor and purchased my first property.

So if you want to learn how to create a financial system that has you do more than run in circles with no results to show for it…

Keep reading.

So that on this day next year, your entire world looks different.




Copy of Keep reading (2)

Here's the problem...

Of course you want to build wealth, invest, pay down debt, acquire assets and all that good stuff. That goes without saying. But even when you have good intentions it seems like life is always happening and you are always spending…

How can you plan for your financial future without driving yourself crazy by living on the brink of a miserable low budget life?

Sis, it doesn't have to be that way. My job is to help you realize that if I can build financial freedom from scratch, you can do it too.

Do you want to have more money in the bank than you've ever had before...

if so, you're in the right place.

My name is Tasha and I want to help you get your financial life together. Yes, we know that the system is broken. 78% of full time workers are currently living paycheck to paycheck.

And with numbers like that, it’s hard to imagine that it’s by accident instead of by design. 

The Wealth Academy is a super affordable option to help you transform your finances in just a few hours per month. I don’t want you to sit by and keep hoping that your future will change. I want to give you the tools and help you change it. 

If you're ready to go from a financial hot mess to being a confident financial powerhouse, but you need someone who's been there done that to guide the way...

I created The Wealth Academy to help YOU tap into the power of an automated system and build wealth from scratch!

We don’t just teach you about wealth, we help you build it from scratch. There’s a difference. 

Can you imagine, for one second, that you have complete control over your money?

What do you think would happen?

No really, I want you to close your eyes for just a second and imagine that you have a personally designed money machine that makes sure every dollar from every paycheck has a purpose and a place. 

I know you probably didn’t close your eyes (lol) but if your money was working as hard as you do, your wealth would definitely skyrocket. 

With clarity and consistency at your fingertips you would be able to afford to live where you want, drive the car that you want, travel where you want and more! 

Basically, money wouldn’t have to be an issue anymore.

This is the exact experience that my clients have, time after time after time.

I've Made it Easier Than Ever For You to Get on the Road to Financial Freedom and transform your life in 365 days

By Using the 3 Steps Below

Step ONE

Get Instant Access to Over 20 Courses

Your first 12 months of building wealth are usually the hardest and it’s different for everyone. Our preloaded courses give you the flexibility to go at your own pace while focusing on what matters most to you now. 

Our immediate course library access allows you to:


Register For your Live Masterclass

Get access to some of the most knowledgeable experts in their arena. When it comes to expertise this is not a popularity contest. I look for guests that have a proven track record and a clear method to easily teach you how to achieve success.

Some of our live masterclasses include


Leverage Your Network

Join the ranks of like minded women who are just as focused on building wealth as you are. You will get to network with an ambitious group of women who could become your budget besties and future investment partners. 

Having a network is important and fun because…

We've built implementation into the curriculum
to make sure you reach the finish line...


Get access to some of the best financial coaching on the planet, and I'm not exaggerating. Our coaches have years of experience backed by our world class methodology. Period.

success path

Don't ever be confused about your next best financial steps every again. You'll get insight on exactly what you should do to increase your net worth.


Hey superwoman, you don't have to do this alone. You're going to be surrounded with like minded women who want to see you win. And you just might find your next investment partner.


We have all the financial stationery you need to help you put pen to paper and create a powerful game plan for your future. These templates are the blueprints that help you get your financial destination.

Enroll in Course Name today!

Choose the best plan for you...

The Basic Plan


**The VIP Plan**



Enroll today and you'll also
get access to these bonuses...


The 5 Day Mindset Challenge

You’re not going to reach your financial goals doing the same thing you’ve always done. The same personality will create the same reality. Something has to change. Our 5 day challenge gives you the mindset shift you need to start producing different results over the next 12 months. 

($197 value)


The Financial Automation Blueprint

Creating a financial game plan is great but automating it is even better. When you get the course now you will get the step by step blueprint you need to run your finances on autopilot without the stress and worry. Set it and forget (for 6 months)

($197 value)


The Plan and Grow Rich Budget Binder

Your budget is the beginning of everything. Get the budget binder I use to help my clients break the 6-figure ceiling on their net worth using our number 1 planning tool. There is no better tool than this to have in your financial freedom arsenal. ($197 value)

We're behind you 100%!

Check Out Our No RisK, No WORRY Money Back Guarantee

I'm so confident in the material in this course I'm offering a no questions asked money-back guarantee for the first 30 days.

If you're a scammer, go away.

But if you genuinely regret your purchase within the first 30 days, get your money back in just a few days. So, no risk for you!

You won't be able to purchase future courses, but I doubt you'd want to if you're asking for a refund. You would also get to KEEP the program material you've downloaded just so you know how serious I am about this.

Have we met?

I'm Tasha

I help women and all working professionals take control of their finances so they never have to worry about money again. 

I started my career in corporate America managing 100 million dollar budgets for some of the biggest brands in the world. 

My own wealth journey started when I was just 10 years old and now I’m on a mission to help Black women and everyone else who is willing to join us break the glass ceiling on 60figure wealth. I’ve done it for hundreds of women already and I can do it for you too! 

Are you a perfect fit?

If any of these sounds like you, then maybe it’s time to take action and register. You have to decide if you’re ready to move forward knowing in your heart that no one is coming to save you… but you.

When you say "yes", I can't wait to welcome you into the Wealth Academy with open arms!

Enroll in The Wealth Academy Today!

Choose the best plan for you...






fall in love with our features

Ask Me Questions!!

You're not just getting videos and PDFs, you will have access to an entire membership site where you can ask questions and get feedback.

Make Learning Easy

You will have access to templates, blueprints, videos, and curriculum designed to help make learning fun. You will never have to wonder about what you can do to advance your net worth.

Go At Your Own Pace

You're not just learning information, you get to watch me and others go through the entire process of revenue transformation one step at a time from beginning to end.

Learn From Your Phone!

Access the courses directly from your phone for those moments where you have some down time while on the go.

Meet Other Wealth Builders.

The wealth academy offers a built in community where you can grow, compete, and work together. All of these things create accountability, excitement and partnership on your way to wealth.

Pick Your Priority

With our current course library, you will be able to pick your point of focus as soon as you register, whether it's mindset, investing, or something else!


Most frequent questions and answers

If you feel that excitement at the possibility of changing your life, then yes!!! But let me tell you this: The Wealth Academy is largely a self directed program with monthly coaching components. People who are successful in this program are those who thrive with a blueprint and a to-do list. This program is for people who are naturally self motivated with a self directed learning style or for those who have to go with a more DIY approach until they have the funds for one-on-one coaching. This program is absolutely for you if you’re willing to do the work.

Then I’m giving you the opportunity to get off the fence and make a decision right now. I want you to know that you’re in good hands, but this program will only work if you’re ready to make the commitment. I can give everything I have but it won’t matter unless you are there to receive it. 

Let me be clear: No! You did not develop the habits you have over night and they are not going to change over night. This is a process! But let me tell you this: If you have patience, it will work. Together, we will dramatically reduce the amount of time it would otherwise take you to establish a solid financial foundation and build wealth. 

Our refund policy matches our commitment to excellence and service. You can ask for a refund for any reason within 30 days. After that, you can also cancel at the click of a button at any time. But I hope you’re in this just as much as we are. 

Absolutely. As long as you don’t use your busy-ness as an excuse to underperform. Life is going to happen whether you are busy or not and all I need is 1-2 hours per week to help you get on track to the financial future you want and deserve. 

Whatever energy you put in, that’s what you’re going to get out. You are joining a community and I am looking forward to you showing up as your highest and best self so we can all have a good time as we work to change our financial futures. So far, our sessions are always fun, real, and informative. 

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Beyond the Budget 100%

Step 2: make it happen!

Yay!! ✨🥳🤩

Congrats on grabbing our free kick-ass, budget. 

🔔 It’s one thing to have a budget, but it’s another thing ENTIRELY to make it come to life. 

🤯 For most people, that’s where the disconnect is. Not the budget itself. 

😍 Our Beyond the Budget Blueprint is specifically designed to help you fall in love with your budget and bring your goals to life. 

💰 $27, right now! Normally $197.