The New Year Women's Wealth Report
The 10 Most Important and Most interesting Facts
The top 3 things women respondents want to learn: Investing, Increasing income, building credit.
The top 3 things women respondents need to learn: Budgeting, meal planning, investing.
The three things women respondents are least interested in learning about: How to get a raise, money in relationships, and financial automation.
Hot Take: The thing women want to learn about that we find least helpful: Building Credit.
Hot Take: The thing women don’t want to learn about that we find most helpful: Financial automation.
Fun Fact: Meal prep is not high on the list of things to learn but over 90% of clients start off spending the majority of their discretionary income on food.
Fun Fact: Learning about money in relationships falls at the bottom of the list of what women want to learn about but finances are a leading cause for divorce. Perhaps women are looking to get their own coins together first before thinking about someone else’s.
90% of respondents are willing to invest reasonably in their financial knowledge. 65% are willing to make a substantial investment in their financial growth.
Most people don’t know that women’s average net worth is at ZERO dollars.
2019 Focus: Spending less money is the same as having more money. Don’t worry about paying off all debt. Worry more about building assets that will pay off your debt for you. But before you do that we have to tackle the basics.
Some things I noticed in 2018.
When people are very comfortable with their cash flow, they improve their lifestyle, making it harder to increase their net worth. Relax, live simply, and I can help you build generational wealth.
There is an almost predatory focus on credit. When you make healthy financial decisions, your credit will take care of itself.
Student loan debt is out of hand. If you have a lot of debt, you should be focused on income producing assets. Otherwise, you will be in debt until you die.
How you manage money in relationships matters. Ladies, be mindful of the men you’re having sex with. One thoughtless act can lead to a lifelong liability. Not to be harsh. Just adding some real perspective.
Don’t succumb to peer pressure. Most people may have the appearance of wealth, but very few have the substance of it.
For the most part. Women are walking into 2019 wanting to know how to make their money work for them. While nothing would make me happier than having an army of Goddess investors, we have to cover the basics and focus on the fundamentals.
This means prioritizing automated budgeting, consistent saving, and mindful meal planning so that we can move toward savvy investing sooner rather than later.
Their is so much misinformation and different opinions about how to achieve financial freedom. And to be honest, there is no one size fits all approach.
This is why choosing a voice to listen to is so important.
My goal is to train highly ambitious women who are passionate about wealth and freedom.
I want to move you past the fluff and beyond the facts to real financial execution that puts money in your bank account.
This report is intended to highlight what women want in wealth while also providing some insight into the proper path to prosperity.
Thanks for reading.
Note: 105 people took this survey. Over 95% women. All responses counted in the analysis.